
Have you ever got a chance to prove yourself other than your regular academics? Here is your chance to get your robotic gears turning and prove yourself outside the classroom! The Robotics Club of VITCC is a group of young minds, bonded together by our common interest and enthusiasm in the field of robotics. We present RoboPrix with the same passion and dedication in order to ignite and inspire engineering aspirants, especially in the field of robotics, to prove and improve their skills in mechatronics. We have in store a plethora of competitions which aim at testing the designing, efficiency, accuracy and functioning of the competing robots, both in hardware as well as software. Our organizing committee is constantly striving to make the fest a world apart. But we can’t make this event a grand success without our beloved faculty co-ordinator Dr. Arockia Selvakumar, the core committee as well as our sponsors, who have continually supported us over the years. We feel privileged in extending a warm welcome to you, to be a part of this technical festival.

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Our Amazing Team

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Faculty Advisor

Dr. Arockia Selva Kumar


+91 9962681933

Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success.

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Overall Student Co-ordinator

Guru Prasad U


+91 994987315

Let your actions inspire beyond words... Let your vision meet reality... Leading is easy, but winning hearts isn't!

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Overall Student Co-ordinator

Mansi Parashar


+91 8939286992

Curating and presenting you with an array of unconventional robotics events was an absolute delight. May the odds be in your favor!

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Sponsorship Co-ordinator

Vishal Turaga


+91 70323 97750

To become a better you, remember to be grateful to people who have contributed to making you who you are today.

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Marketing Co-ordinator



+91 9444849087

Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.

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Events Co-ordinator



+91 6385 332 358

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

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Registration Co-ordinator

Naman Giridhar


+91 8527725994

Life's about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live the life of your choice. Outdo your Past, Not People.

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Hospitality Co-ordinator

Saumya Singh


+91 9821454545

Help others achieve their dreams and you will automatically achieve yours.

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Events Co-ordinator



+91 6382834277

Multilevel multitasking multiplied multiple times is event management.

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Logistics Co-ordinator

Nitiessh Bharadwaj


+91 9444586768

It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me.

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Finance Co-ordinator



+91 6379372250

Beware of little expenses. A small leak will sink a great ship. We finance team believe something incredible happens when teamwork happens.

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Events Track Co-ordinator



+91 9962992063

perfectly balanced as everything should be.

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Events Track Co-ordinator

Avijit Gupta


+91 8607858688

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

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Innovation Co-ordinator

Pritham Sethuraman


+91 8527749899

I'm a pretty important guy. If I wasn't, you wouldn't have moved your cursor all the way down here.

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Photography Co-ordinator

Rajat Sajeev


+91 6282599228

Taking an image, freezing a moment, reveals how rich reality truly is.

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Ambience Co-ordinator



+91 7200607793

Adorning the aura of the Occasion.. Enhancing the essence of the Extravaganza..

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Tech Support

Abhishek Das


+91 7980964039

The best thing one person can do is to do their best.

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Content Co-ordinator



+91 9940440432

Writing isn't about using big words to impress. It's about using simple words in an impressive way.

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Tech Support



+91 7593094525

Life is growth. If we stop growing, technically and spiritually, we are as good as dead.

Copyright © RoboPrix’19